Naruto Shippuden 284 Sub Español

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Naruto Shippuden 284 Sub Español "¡Kabutowari! Jinin Akebino"(Opcion1)

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Naruto Manga 606 Español

Naruto Manga 606 Español "Un mundo de ensueño"

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Traduccion gracias a Shinshin Fansub

Imagen 1

Death Note Ep. 7

Light Yagame is an intelligent young adult who resents all things evil. He also wishes to end crime in the world and create a utopia in which he reigns supreme. His life undergoes a drastic change when he discovers the Death Note.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Death Note Ep. 7 English "Overcast"(Option1)

Death Note Ep. 10

Light Yagame is an intelligent young adult who resents all things evil. He also wishes to end crime in the world and create a utopia in which he reigns supreme. His life undergoes a drastic change when he discovers the Death Note.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Death Note Ep. 10 English "Doubt"(Option1)

Death Note Ep. 11

Light Yagame is an intelligent young adult who resents all things evil. He also wishes to end crime in the world and create a utopia in which he reigns supreme. His life undergoes a drastic change when he discovers the Death Note.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Death Note Ep. 11 English "Assault"(Option1)

Death Note Ep. 12

Light Yagame is an intelligent young adult who resents all things evil. He also wishes to end crime in the world and create a utopia in which he reigns supreme. His life undergoes a drastic change when he discovers the Death Note.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Death Note Ep. 12 English "Love"(Option1)

Death Note Ep. 13

Light Yagame is an intelligent young adult who resents all things evil. He also wishes to end crime in the world and create a utopia in which he reigns supreme. His life undergoes a drastic change when he discovers the Death Note.

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Death Note Ep. 13 English "Confession"(Option1)



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